strong woman2

Empowering Women

Today’s women has come out of the shadows of a man, she has built her own dynasty on which she firmly stands, she has created her rights to her own passage and doesn’t need a man to validate her means or existence to this world. She is Intelligent, Strong; Courageous and she can go from the board room to the home and have dinner prepared on time. But even with all these Superwoman attributes, the one thing that will always bring her Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem down within herself is a Dishonest, Disloyal, Cheating man. One who destroys and breaks the vows of the relationship, one who engages in the inappropriate behaviors with other women.

We’ve all seen it play out in real life, whether in your own relationship, friends or family, but who are we really empowering? When a man cheats on his wife or girlfriend most women are incline to attack the other woman, while the man gets a free pass. So when I ask the question “who are we really empowering”? That’s because, it sometimes feels as if we are empowering and encouraging a man to be unfaithful without holding him accountable for his actions. Then we allow our Self-Integrity to be stripped by asking the man to make his choice between the other woman and ourselves.

This is what I know to be true about a man who wants to cheat. He will cheat without any regards to jeopardizing his own family, he will take risks to lie about his current status in his relationship and the stories he will tell will make the other woman he is pursuing comfortable enough to let her guard down and forget that he has a wife and kids and dive heart first into this relationship.

Who’s the main chick, from the side chick, and why do we openly accept these labels, and assume the role of these titles? When a woman lacks self-worth she can lose herself in these labels with a pattern of always choosing herself last, and never first. You’re programed to believe that you deserve to be treated in a manner that devalues who you are as a person and it hides the fact that you matter.

Empowering women is not a thing it’s a statement it’s a force, it’s a belief, it’s about empowering ALL women teaching them that they can be and do anything they put their minds and their hearts into, and they don’t need to tear each other down to get to it. There validation comes from who they are, and not who they are with.

#Self-worth Monique Antoinette

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